The devil spelled backwards is “lived”.
The devil is a symbol that is used often in many religions and during fall festivities such as Halloween and The Day of the Dead. The devil represents dark, negative energies and is often feared. Clichés such as the “devil made me do it” are often used to express our freedom to respond spontaneously. “The devil made me do it” makes us feel safe, as we fear what others will think about our decision or action. I found that people often think if they say “the devil made me do it”, their actions will be viewed as acceptable. However, at the end of the day, people rarely regret their spontaneous act of freedom buttry justify their actions to others to minimize judgment. We all fear judgment so it may feel easier to blame it on the devil instead of speaking our truth that we “lived” in the moment and really loved it!
To have “lived” means to take the risk, feel the emotion, and enjoy everything that happened in the moment.
A day “lived” is the freedom to express one’s true self in every moment and live life to the fullest. Living life to the fullest is living without fear, blame, and restriction while being authentic disregarding judgment.
Start Living Today
Decide: “What is the worst that could happen if it …?” If you have, a heart centered intention and no one will get hurt, “What is holding you back from making the decision?” Do you need approval? Why?
Let go of the past: “What is stopping you from taking the risk?” Do you keep thinking of your parents or another adult figure telling you to be conservative, responsible, or to play it safe? Now is a good time to stop living in the past and be empowered to do what you want to do.
Trust: Trust your intuition or gut. You can ask yourself, “Is this good for me or is this in alignment with my higher self and for the greater good?” Your answer will come in a form of a oh YES sensation in your body or No or not now.
Do it: When you get a YES feeling, go for it and enjoy. The longer you hesitate the greater chance you will talk yourself out of an opportunity to have “lived” in the moment. You can enjoy the “I lived in the moment” or I live with regret.
Live in the moment: Enjoy the feelings of being authentic, free and in harmony with your spirit. The more you can have the feeling that you have really “lived” the more you will learn to feel empowered.
3 Stop Signs
- Stop using the “devil made me do it” as a scapegoat and honor your feelings to have
“Lived” your life the way you want. You are an adult; no one has the power to tell you how you live your life. You have free will and only you can give your free will away to another.
- Stop giving your power away by asking people what you should do. Learn to Trust your in guidance or intuition because you truly have all the answers.
- Stop telling others what to do so they too can learn to trust their inner guidance system. Instead, ask, “What would you like to do?”
“Whatever you identify yourself with you will become like. Whatever you resist until you make it a reality, you will also become like. … Don’t fight your fears, see through them.” This Thing Called You,” 1948.
The devil lived today, did you?