NA: When did you become a shaman? How does one go from the military to the corporate world to obtaining a Ph.D. to being a shaman?
Perrell: Asking when I became a shaman is kind of like asking when I became a girl. The military provided an avenue to step away from home to see what was beyond my back door. It was probably harder to be a woman than it was to be a shaman in the military. I didn’t work with another woman until well into my career. My travels took me to countries where shamanism is more accepted than it is in this country. I felt more at home in some of these other places than in the town where I grew
up. My Ph.D. program was on Native Alaskan Leadership. This focus on intuition based leadership really resonated with me. Stepping into the corporate world helped me recognize my abilities and how those abilities can help people survive in that kind of setting. Now, when I work with those employed in a corporate environment I am able to sense their energy and how they function in that atmosphere. All these pieces of my background needed to come together to help me use what I have. Words don’t teach, experience does.
The day I was accepted into my shamanism program I was working in my corporate job. I was somehow put on an email list about the program. I inquired and was told that the program was full. The shaman wrote and asked me why I wanted to pursue the program and I responded. She contacted me and said she had never exceeded her class size before, but she was “getting a yes” and said I could join the program. I could not stop crying. I thought to myself, “What is wrong with you?” but now I realize it was my soul saying,
hurray, you finally found me! That was September of 2013. I finished the program in December of 2015.
NA: Where was this program and what was it like?
Perrell: The program was online with a shaman from Maryland. The beauty of it being online was there were students from all over the world in the program. There were doctors, lawyers, psychologists and shamans from all walks of life in the program.
One of the first things we focused on was ridding ourselves of judgements. Our judgements cut us off from ourselves, our spirit and our soul connection with others. We spent a lot of time journeying to animals, plants and oils to find out their healing properties and to find out what messages they had for us.
NA: What exactly is journeying?
Perrell: It is kind of like a guided meditation. You allow your soul to connect with your guides. You leave your body and your soul connects with your guides to take you to where you can best get the answers you need for yourself and others.
First, I thought shamans only dealt with plants, animals and trees. I connect with a bear guide, but I kept getting this green ray of light and then this blue ray. It turned out to be Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael. Archangel Raphael is my guide and master teacher. He is the one who is always with me showing me what is needed for healing and guiding me. Archangel Michael is with me to make sure I stay on the right path. We also did a lot of soul-based work, like soul retrieval.
NA: What is soul retrieval?
Perrell: If someone has a traumatic experience, sometimes the energy leaves the body and part of their soul remains out of the body. They often have this pervasive feeling that something is missing. A shaman goes into journey with their guides. They journey back to the traumatic experience and help retrieve the abandoned part of their soul. Sometimes people will feel a noticeable difference immediately; sometimes it can take up to six months.
NA: Does the individual have to re-experience the trauma?
Perrell: No, there is no need for that.
NA: Aren’t some things just physical though? What about genetic inheritance?
Perrell: Cells, stories and energy can be passed down. I used to have several conditions my mother had that I no longer have. There is always a cellular response going on. Meditation can help change your energy and your thoughts and that can lead to healing. There is always an emotional and spiritual component. A shaman helps you get rid of the stories and energy holding you back and gives you room to heal yourself.
NA: What types of services and programs do you offer? Who can benefit?
Perrell: I offer soul coaching to help people align with their soul’s purpose, workshops, and new and full moon rituals. I offer channeled readings with Archangel Raphael and serve as a spiritual development teacher and mentor. I facilitate healing by helping people release dense energy from their cells. I help people remember their knowing. I have worked with people from all different kinds of backgrounds, from children to couples and families to healthcare workers and other professionals.
NA: How has your life changed as a result of what you have learned?
Perrell: I am more in the flow and more congruent with everything that I think, say and do. I only believe a portion of what I see and I trust my intuition more.
Click here to download the PDF from Natural Awakenings magazine, Sept 2016 issue.