Detox your mind of negative chatter so you can hear your empowered self, talk. Over-thinking rarely works for me when I am exploring possibilities. We are taught to think before we act, use our critical thinking skills and to use our head! We tend to over analyze and judge every situation by unconsciously rethinking our actions. When we over think we often turn to friends and family for their opinions, hoping it will help us to make a better decision. However, at the end of the day and into the wee hours of the morning, our thoughts continue to run on a hamster wheel producing an annoying late night host we cannot turn off.
Thoughts and thinking can program us to feel powerless to the point that we use negative mind chatter to criticize our inability to make the “right” choice. We use words such as loser, fat, poor, ugly,old, stupid, lazy, weird, unlovable and such all day and night. The negative chatter in our minds becomes a constant message that reinforces a thought that we may never amount to anything, find love, or have a fulfilled life.
It is time to break the negative mind chatter pattern and start reprogramming our thoughts with empowering messages. Self empowerment begins with a negative mind chatter detox. The mind chatter detox maybe just what we need to enjoy the newness of spring or become inspired to take a leap of faith toward a dream.
5 Self Empowerment Mind Detox Tips
1. When the thoughts start bubbling up pause and choose healthy responses. For example: “I am so dumb for doing …” Instead, “Hmm, next time I will be more cautious and do a little research before I …”
2. Reprogram your self-talk patterns. Practice telling yourself how wonderful, awesome, intelligent, and terrific you really are throughout the day. Your thoughts are replaying the message so choose wisely.
3. Journal and praise yourself every time you trade negative mind chatter for a positive message. What were the negative messages? What are the new positive messages?
4. Stop judging others and yourself for their mistakes.
5. Spend quiet alone time in nature enjoying the beauty of spring.
You can always reach out to an empowerment coach and explore how your negative mind chatter might be holding you back from personal empowerment.